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Exclusive Training

Offered both as both in-person events and web-based sessions, EncompassHR's library of training programs speak directly to your unique organizational culture, values, challenges, and needs. 


Whether you're seeking Anti-Harassment, Diversity and Inclusion, Professional Development, or Leadership training, our programs and delivery formats are designed to change behaviors, improve performance, positively influence workplace cultures, and more.

All training customizable to your needs. If you don’t see a topic, please ask, as we can create new trainings on the topics important to you!

Additional Topics Include, but limited to:

  • New Leadership Training

  • Harassment/Bullying Training

  • HR 101

  • Diversity and Inclusion

  • Microaggressions

  • Performance Management


The Art of Termination

Terminations are one of the hardest tasks to manage. Every company that has employees has to manage this task. So how do you do it effectively and stay compliant? This training will help train those responsible for this task to terminate effectively.


Creating a Healthy Corporate Culture – Both Internally and Externally

Culture is a big buzz word in companies these days. So how do you make sure you are creating a culture that is effective? This training will give you insights into how to make sure your company is creating a culture that positively impacts your employees as well as your clients.


Leadership through Mentorship

Mentorship is the key to developing leaders. Whether this is used for personal growth or as a program for an employee’s professional growth, this program will help you develop a program that will suit your needs.


Effective Professional Communication

A large percentage of conflict in the workplace is due to miscommunication. The best way to prevent conflict is to communicate effectively. This training covers how to be an effective communicator.


Conflict Resolution in the Workplace

Everyone has conflict. The key is how you handle and resolve that conflict. This training covers the why’s and the how’s to effective conflict resolution.

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